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Where the Rubber Hits the Road:
Living as a Christian in Today's NHS
Saturday 17 October
Holy Trinity Church, Turner St, Leicester LE1 6WY
Time: 10:30 - 16:00
Following on from the success of the June Day Conference in London, CNM & CTN will be holding a second day conference. "Where the Rubber Hits the Road" will be looking at some of the practical issues facing Christians working in the health service, including how to set up a workplace fellowship, witnessing at work (Saline Solution) and an exploration of some of the legal and professional issues about expressing faith in the modern NHS. We will have a Bible address from Rodney Green. Click here to download a booking form or contact for more information
Christian Nurses and Midwives regrets RCN policy shift on assisted suicide
The decision by the RCN to change its position from opposing assisted suicide for terminally ill patients to one of neutrality on 24 July 2009 is an unfortunate policy shift by the Royal College.
CNM Secretary Steve Fouch said, "While we welcome the consultation process, by the RCN's own admission only half its membership were reached, of those less than 1% responded, and less than half of those expressed a desire to shift policy either in favour or towards neutrality on this issue. Therefore, a quarter of one per cent of the membership expressed a desire to change policy. This seems a somewhat tenuous basis for realigning the College's stance. Overall there is scant evidence of a sea change among nurses to favour assisted suicide."
He continued, "CNM does not feel the profession should step back from actively opposing legal changes that would loosen safeguards for vulnerable patients, or change the role of the nurse to one which actively aids the death of a patient. This would fundamentally change the nature of the nurse/patient relationship and would be detrimental to the care of dying, disabled, and elderly patients. At a time when there is growing anxiety about how we will care for the elderly and severely disabled in the future, this policy shift sends the wrong signals to the vulnerable."
Due to the unfortunate cancellation of the CNM national conference in February because of bad weather, we are delighted to announce that our speaker, Jeremy Hobson, will be sharing with us at a day conference on June 13th 2009 at Johnson House, 6 Marshalsea Road, London SE1 1HL.
Our focus will be on 1 John and the importance of Christ like relationships in the work place.
Click here to download more information and a booking form.
This year’s national conference for Christians in the allied professions, nursing and midwifery will focus on how we can live out our faith in Jesus in our day-to-day relationships. The speaker will be Jeremy Hobson. Jeremy is the vicar of St. James’ s Clerkenwell and formerly a surgeon in the NHS.
For a booking form and further details click here
Email enquiries to or ring 020 7234 9668
CNM Day Conference
October 25th 2008
Truth in Practice Practice: dealing with competing truth claims in the workplace
In our modern, multicultural society we are daily faced with people who have a wide range of different values, beliefs and practices. In the healthcare setting we see these difference perhaps more acutely than in any other setting. This one day conference for nurses, midwives and other health professionals is a chance to explore more fully how our Christian faith informs our values and practices as health workers, and how we can respond positively the competing truth claims in the world around us.
For a booking form and further information click here
Confident Christianity Training Day
Saturday 19 July, 09:30-17:00
City Evangelical Church, 1 Greenfield Crescent, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 3BE
Do not be afraid of anyone and do not worry... Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you, but do it with gentleness and respect.
1 Peter 3:14-16 (GNB)
Do you find this difficult to live out in practice? If a friend asked you for a brief explanation of the Christian faith what would you say?
This training day is for those who want to be more confident in sharing the good news about Jesus - with gentleness and respect.
For more information email
or ring 020 7234 9668.
Click Here to download a booking form and more information.
"Radically Different:
Set Apart for God in the Workplace"
Friday, Feb 1-3, 2008
Hebron Hall, Dinas Powys, Vale of Glamorgan (near Cardiff)
At this year’s national conference for nurses, midwives, allied health professionals and students, Tim Cudmore will be leading us through what the Bible says about being set apart for God’s service in our every day work. There will also be opportunity to discuss the personal implications of the talks in small groups and to pray for one another.
This is well known as a friendly conference with plenty of time for good food and fellowship, as well as times for personal and corporate prayer, worship, learning and reflection.
For booking forms and further information contact Steve Fouch (CNM Secretary) at the phone or email below, or click here to download a booking form (as a PDF).
Phone: 02072349668
The Nursing/Midwifery Studies of the Institute of Health Care, University of Malta will be hosting the 3rd International Conference on 'Spirituality: The Human Dimension In Care' in Malta on the 25th and 26th October 2007. This Conference aims to increase the awareness of spirituality in care giving among students and health care professionals, to enhance the multidisciplinary team approach towards holistic care.
Remember, the earlier you book, the better!
The Programme of the conference and the Registration form (which includes information on the accommodation) can be downloaded here:
The Programme
The Application
The CNM Annual Conference (held jointly with the Christian Therapists Network - - will be the weekend of February 2-4 2007 at Hebron Hall, near Cardiff.
This year’s conference sees a change of location to South Wales, at an excellent venue well linked to motorways and public transport.
We will be focussing this year on the wisdom of the book of Proverbs and its relevance our work and lives in the 21st Century. Hugh Thomas will be the main speaker, talking on "Working Wisdom". As ever there will be wide range of seminars and social events over the course of the weekend for all - nurses and therapists, student and qualified.
You can download a booking form, or write to the CNM office and we can post you one.
The 2006 edition of the Nurses Christian Fellowship International European Regional Newsletter is now available - as a PDF that you can download here or from the NCFI Europe website at - with news on the activities of Christian nurses groups across the continent, and news of upcoming events.
Also: remember, there is only a limited time left to book in to the NCFI European regional Conference in the Netherlands in August - please visit the NCFI Europe website for more details and a booking form. This is a great opportunity to join with Christian nurses and midwives from across Europe for learning and fellowship. The Bible studies at the conference will be led by Pablo Martinez, the renowned Spanish Christian psychiatrist and author.
The Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill has been stalled by a vote in the House of Lords on May 12 2006, where a delaying amendment was agreed by 148 votes to 100. Although this effectively kills this piece of legislation for now, it will return again in the next Parliament in a different form, and so the campaign to stop the incremental introduction of legalised euthanasia to the UK will continue.
Thank you to all our members and others who wrote to the Lords, to their MPs or who turned up to demonstrate their concern on May 12. Over 100,000 people also signed a petition against this legislation that was handed in to 10 Downing Street.
News and information on the campaign for more and better palliative and end of life care in the UK, and to oppose the legalisation of euthanasia can be found here
Care Not Killing is a new alliance of 28 organisations formed to promote palliative care and oppose euthanasia. It was launched at the end of January, and members include the Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain & Ireland, the British Council of Disabled People, RADAR, the Christian Medical Fellowship and the Medical Ethics Alliance and Christian Nurses and Midwives. CNM strongly supports the Alliance's aims, as it believes that these are closely linked to the Christian ethics of nursing and care for the dying and other vulnerable groups.
For more information on the campaign for wider access to good palliative care, and against euthanasia and assisted suicide, please visit the website.
Whatever next...? - Developing a Biblical response to current healthcare trends.
The National Conference for Christians in Nursing, Midwifery and the Allied Health Professions at Quinta Conference Centre, Shropshire
3-5th March 2006
'The point is not to predict the future but to prepare for it and shape it' [Anon]
"Therefore prepare your mind for action"
[1 Peter 1:13]
At this year's national conference John Wyatt, a leading thinker and speaker in the world of Christian Medical Ethics, will help us take a practical look at some of the current trends in today's healthcare climate and explore how we can develop an appropriate Biblical response in our day-to-day working lives.
This conference also provides opportunities to attend seminars on a variety of relevant topics and a chance to talk and pray with others who work in similar situations. There will be a large resource area with books and information relevant to healthcare in this country and overseas.
Don't miss this opportunity to meet other Christians within your profession and strengthen relationships between the professions.
Click here to download a booking form (PDF) or contact the Steve Fouch at the CNM office
The European Region
of Nurses Christian Fellowship International (NCFI) invites Christian nurses and nursing students to the 7th European NCFI conference, to be held in Ede, the Netherlands, from August 22 - 26, 2006. The conference will be hosted by the nursing departments and the Lectorate Ethics of Care Research Institute of the Christian University Ede, and the Reformed University of Zwolle, in cooperation with the Prof.dr. G.A. Lindeboom Institute, a Christian centre for medical ethics, in Ede, The Netherlands.
This four-day conference is a wonderful opportunity to meet with other Christian nurses and international speakers, and explore the heart and soul of the nursing profession: ethics and spirituality. It will enable nurses to share the relevance of biblical teaching to nursing practice so that they can be a Christian presence in health care.
To book a place at the conference, either download the booking form and brochure, or visit the NCFI European website at
CNM Autumn Day Conference
Saturday Nov 26 2005
From 10 a.m. – 4.p.m
“Suffering – A Christian Nurse’s Response”
with Peter Swift
Grove Chapel, 96A Camberwell Grove, London SE5 8RF
[click here for more information]
This one-day conference is for all Christian nurses, midwives health visitors and students.
Peter Swift, senior staff nurse in paediatric ITU at Guy’s & St. Thomas’ London, will explore the Biblical approach to suffering and its practical application to our day-to-day practice.
This will also be a time for sharing fellowship and prayer with other Christian nurses, midwives, health visitors and students, and there will be optional afternoon seminars, a CNM News update, and a fellowship lunch together.
The booking fee is £10 (£5 students) and covers lunch and all other costs.
For more information download the flyer in word format, contact the CNM office – email or telephone 07941 80063
This October 16 will be designated as Healthcare Sunday. This year the theme is “Heroes of Healthcare”, looking at the everyday impact that health professionals and informal carers have on our day-to-day lives. Healthcare Sunday gives Churches a chance to pray for support their own members in the caring professions.
If your church, house group or local CNM group would be interested in running an event or praying around these issues, resources are available on-line here or by emailing , or telephoning
Every Christian nurse and midwife has a unique opportunity to improve both the physical and spiritual health of their patients, but many feel frustrated by the challenge of integrating their faith and practice within the time constraints of the daily schedule. And yet there is now a growing recognition in the nursing and midwifery literature of the important link between spirituality and health.
In our contact with patients we are called to be 'the salt of the earth' - flavouring life with grace rather than blasting people with the truth. The Saline Solution is a new course developed by the Christian Medical Fellowship aimed at helping Christian health professionals of all disciplines to bring Christ into their day-to-day contact with patients. So far it has helped hundreds to be more comfortable and adept at practising healthcare that addresses the needs of the whole person.
The course is aimed at helping us draw patients in a natural way one step closer to a relationship with God through recognising God-given opportunities to touch them with the love of God without being pushy, forced or offensive.
This autumn, there are a number of multidisciplinary Saline Solution courses running across the UK including:
Wed 2 Nov - Warwick
Tues 8 Nov - Inverness
Thurs 10 Nov - Leicester
Wed 7 Dec - York
Fri 9 Dec - Leeds
Other events are planned, and more details can be found here or by contacting CNM on,uk
Plans are afoot for a one day CNM conference in London this autumn. Watch this space in the next few weeks for more details.
Developing a Biblical Response to Current Healthcare Trends
3-5th March 2006,
Quinta Conference Centre, Shropshire
Main Seaker:
Professor John Wyatt
Consultant Neonatologist and well-renowned author and speaker on Christian Healthcare Ethics
Click here for the flyer in PDF format or for further information call 07986 433493 or email